Share Your Stories

Jason Becker wants to hear your memories/stories of the songs on Triumphant Hearts. We are building a Stories feature Pandora and you could be part of it if you share your story. We need a clear audio recording that is about one minute in length, very important that there is no music in the background. You can do a separate audio recording for every song on the album if you wish.

  • Share the memory of the first time you heard one of the song on Triumphant Hearts.
  • Share the memory of the first time you tried playing a song on Triumphant Hearts.
  • You get the idea… we want YOUR memories, YOUR stories. Get creative!

Jason will select the best to upload to Pandora Stories for the world to hear. And you will forever be on Pandora!

How to send us your audio files? You can upload to a Google Drive folder we created at


  • Please send them to us by August 1.
  • Please only upload mp3 files.
  • Please name the file like this: Song Name – Your Name.
  • No music in the recording.