Hey everyone,
Jason is home. All went well and we are waiting on the lab results, but the doctor was encouraging and didn’t see anything concerning. Next stop, Tuesday for an echo cardiogram. Serrana says that is so they can determine the sex of the alien in his heart. And she is a nurse so she knows.😊
Jason sends his love and huge gratitude!
Pat Becker
Fantastic news Pat. Sending love and prayers!
My prayers and good vibes go out to Jason and family! Glad to hear the great news!
There’s nothing this man can not overcome. You are a blessing for humanity Jason, thank you so much for everything and keep fighting.
Perfect 👍 great news!
Stay strong!
So glad to hear it!
Great news! Continue to be an inspiration Jason- the world needs you.
Fantastic news. Big love to you guys….. and keep on rocking Jason ❤❤
Good to hear! All our love to you as always!
Nice to hear that! Good vibes from all fans!
Amazing news Jason. Prayers are strong and with u!!!!! You are not of this world!!!!! I think you may be part alien cat!
Thank you for the update. Best wishes from SC, you are ALL truly inspirational.
Foi uma inspiração pra mim, me procurem no facebook sou maestro da Orquestra filarmonica antifona…..Jazon Mormelo
Great big “phew.” Sending love, from me and Kimmie.
We love you Jason Becker – you’re an inspiration to us all. God bless.
God With you Jason , you are a legend forever , My son is called Jason too he adores you so much , He is 7 years old by the way 😉
Thank you Jason for all you have given! Bless you and your family!🙏